Tuesday, February 2, 2010


its been 3 days my life was like hanging this what they say as "alahan"? time mngjr rasa nk duduk je, sapa yg buat kecoh rasa nk baling je dgn marker pen, kt rumah rasa nk lepak je...dulu rjn bkn main, skrg mcm hapa dh rupanya! hope this 'not-so-sickening disease' will end as soon as possible cuz i hate being in this condition...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

teruknya bdk2 melayu skrg...

p plaza metro kajang td..tgh bselera mkn tosai telur kt hameed's,trs tbantut when a group of malay teenagers - 5boys, 2 girls thegeh2 msk dn buat bising when they sat next 2 our table..mcm bodoh rsnya ckp kuat2, kaki ltk atas kerusi dn smoking in an a.c restaurant..dh la ckp x senonoh byk! i hate them...guess, by looking at their dressing tobat reti sampai sifir 5 je msg2 if i asked them! such a rude n idiot behaviour..

Friday, January 1, 2010

new school..

school is goin 2 start in couple of days..elok2 dpt jadual 2 teach in morning session, tup2 d school phoned n informed that i have 2 teach in d afternoon session..haduuuuiii...x dapat la nk mantapkan ilmu bio..bdebar2 2 c my new timetable this monday, hope dpt ajar sains..